Scientific Committee

Pr Ababacar MBENGUE

Ababacar Mbengue is a graduate of HEC Paris (class of 1984-1987) and holds a DEA (post-graduate diploma) in Strategy and Management from the University of Paris 10 Nanterre, a Doctorate in Management Sciences and a HDR (Habilitation to Supervise Research) from the University of Paris Dauphine, as well as the Agrégation des Universités Françaises in Management Sciences (competitive examination 1996). He was the first Black African to pass the French national competitive examination for the agrégation des Universités en gestion.

After ten years as a trainer, teacher and researcher in management and management (EDF-GDF: 1989-1993; CERAM/Sup de Co Nice: 1992-1995; ESSEC: 1995-1997; WHARTON School, University of Pennsylvania: 1996-1998), he has been an Associate Professor at the University of Reims since 1997, where he created and directed, among other things, the REPONSE research team (Recherches, Études et Propositions d’Outils, de Normes et de Solutions pour les Entreprises).