Dr. Grenfieth de Jesús Sierra Cadena
Juan Perez is a specialized lawyer in administrative, constitutional, and economic law. He is a consultant, professor, and researcher at Universidad del Rosario, with expertise in public law, public policy, and economic law. Juan has extensive experience in legal research and comparative economic law. He has worked as a consultant for prestigious organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá and the Council of State of France. He has served in various roles in the public sector and has taught and conducted research at several universities in Colombia and abroad such as including SCIENCES-PO Toulouse, Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, and Paris II Panthéon-Assas in France; Universidad del Rosario, Universidad Nacional, and Universidad Javeriana in Colombia; and Max Planck in Heidelberg, Germany. Juan led the implementation of the first artificial intelligence system for the Constitutional Court of Colombia.