Director of Competitive and Strategic Intelligence Operations in various companies, specialized in the creation of Competitive and Strategic Intelligence Units, project management, and cyber counterintelligence operations, with a total of 24 years of experience. Former member of naval intelligence for the National Navy and the Military Intelligence Directorate. Proven experience in Competitive Intelligence, M&A, and Due Diligence; HUMINT and Profiling for insider threat mitigation; strategic influence and counter-influence, Brand Intelligence & Brand Analysis, Risk Analysis (Strategic, Reputation…), Cyber Intelligence, Information Security, and Prospective.
Security Director, Master’s degree in combating cybercrime from ICFS-UAM, Master’s degree in Strategic Information Management from EGE, Master’s degree in Marketing from ESIC Business School, Master’s degree in Information Security and Information Networks.
- Functional Director in the development of strategic analysis tools for various startups.
- Professor in the Master’s program in Economic Intelligence at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), teaching the course “Indirect Personality Profiling for Intelligence Purposes,” professor in the Master’s program in cybersecurity at the University Francisco de Vitoria/Innova IT Business School, professor of advanced analysis techniques in the Professional Master’s program in Intelligence Analysis and in the Master’s program in Geopolitical Analysis at the Lisa Institute, as well as in various training programs in France, Africa, and Latin America (Goberna Corporation Peru).
- Speaker and writer in major specialized media on Economic Intelligence.